Strong, Durable Knees For Staying Active While Aging

Find Out What Everyone Over 40 Should Be Doing To Reduce Pain and Prevent Injuries So They Can Keep Playing Sports, Traveling, And Enjoying Life Without Knee Problems


  FREE Webinar   

with Dr. Leslie Desrosiers, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS


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"Knees That Last"

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"This Training With Dr. Leslie Will Change The Way You Think About Exercise And Taking Control Of Your Health And Future"

Discover How To Have Knees That Last 

 Have less pain and stiffness in the morning and more freedom to enjoy the sports and activities you love

 Move with ease and confidence in any environment

 Avoid injuries so you can keep playing pickleball, golf, skiing, climbing, running, and more

 Get more quality years doing what you love, enjoying the outdoors, and playing with your kids

What You Will Learn: 

The secret to alleviating pain and having strong, durable knees for your lifestyle

✔ Common mistakes that cause knee problems between 40-80 years old 

✔ How to slow or stop arthritis from worsening and limiting your life

4 essential things you need for longevity that most people don't know about

✔ What the hip and foot have to do with the knee, and where you actually need strengthen

✔ How to stop wasting time with the wrong exercises and start getting results that matter 

A realistic approach to exercise so you can live the life you want, long-term

About The Presenter:

Dr. Leslie Desrosiers, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS

Dr. Leslie specializes in helping active people stay strong, healthy, and injury-free so they can live their best life, no matter what their age, experience, or goals are.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Board-Certified Orthopedic Specialist, and Strength & Conditioning Coach with over 18 years of experience, Dr. Leslie knows what it takes to relieve pain, prevent injuries, enhance performance, and promote longevity.

Join Dr. Leslie in this brand new webinar, "Knees That Last", and discover how to take control of your knee health so you can stay active and pain-free, doing what you love for years to come!

Ready to sign up?

Attend this FREE webinar and find out how to have KNEES THAT LAST!

Sign Up For The Webinar
Check your email for the webinar link and show up 5 min early to secure your spot!