Risk Management for Proactive Leaders​

Find Out How Organizations Are Reducing Injury Claims By 60-90%!

Give Your Employees A Proven Process To Become Stronger And More Resilient For Their Physically Demanding Outdoor Jobs

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Knee Injuries From Slips, Trips, And Falls Are The Most Frequent And Costliest Injury Claims At Work

From twisting on skis to slipping on ice, 60% of employee injuries in the ski industry are a result of a slip, trip, or fall. One-third of injury claims involve the knees, from torn ligaments to arthritis, costing the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars per year!

Knee Injuries are a Pain for Everyone Involved!

Chances are, if you’re reading this right now, you know that employee injuries are a cause of frustration for management...plus, they can be very expensive, time-consuming, and ultimately lead to an elevated mod factor and higher premium with your insurance company.​

And while you probably already have several strategies in place to mitigate risk, the reality is:

When Employees Are Not Physically Prepared For The Demands Of Their Job, They Are More Likely To Get Hurt. 

The Mistake Most Administrators Make Is They Expect Employees To Get Fit And Physically Prepared For Their Job On Their Own

But Most People Don't Know How To Strengthen Properly For A Specific Job Or Sport

The Truth Is, A Preventative Exercise Program,  Designed For The Outdoor Worker, Is The Absolute BEST Way To Have Stronger, More Resilient Employees, with Fewer Injury Claims and Longer Careers

 Don't Assume Your Employees Know How To Train On Their Own​

Being fit for snow, ice, or mountainous terrain is entirely different from general fitness. And MOST people aren't experts in strength and conditioning. So they shouldn't be expected to know how to safely develop an exercise program for being on uneven terrain. They NEED guidance.

Your Employees Are ATHLETES... And They Should TRAIN MORE LIKE ATHLETES

  • Summer activities, like biking and jogging, do NOT prepare someone for skiing or snowboarding. Snowsports require rotational stability and multi-directional control, which is unlike normal gym workouts.
  • Walking on ice and uneven terrain requires high-level balance, coordination, and reaction time, which can be developed with the right exercises. But if not targeted specifically in a training routine, will decline and lead to a higher risk of injury.
  • Bones, ligaments, muscles, and tendons have the ability to become stronger and more resilient. A strategic, progressive exercise program is necessary to build a healthier body.

After 4-6 Weeks Of Following The Right Exercise Plan, Employees Can

  • Alleviate Pain from old injuries
  • Improve Strength  and Performance
  • Reduce the Risk of Falling On Ice
  • Improve Movement and Flexibility
  • Feel More Recovered and Energetic
  • Enhance Quality of Life
  • Protect Joints Long-Term

If you want your team to be prepared for the demands of their job, and have fewer catastrophic injuries, they need a detailed, step-by-step plan. With the right guidance, they can identify weaknesses that make them more susceptible to injury. They can turn their weaknesses into strengths. Not only will they be ready to work hard, but they'll be able to enjoy a better quality of life. 

Bulletproofing Your Employees is now easier than ever...

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The best at-home strengthening program, designed for the ski/ride and outdoor industries, to help employees safely prepare for their jobs, prevent injuries, and save their knees for more quality years on the mountain

  • Strengthening exercises​
  • Balance Drills
  • Warm-up routines
  • Movement Re-training
  • Footwork, Agility, and Reaction Time
  • Stretches and Recovery

With a simple shift in how they look at exercise and a specific strategy to promote resilience and longevity, they can avoid injuries and have a better life.

Your employees deserve to know how to protect their knees (now and long-term)

..and you deserve to have a strong, healthy, thriving team with fewer injuries

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Employees Have Been Loving This Program for 6 Years!​

I Believe in this program. It is the most important part of my skiing routine. I do not go out without doing the warm up and 3-4 days a week I complete a workout. Not only does it help me stay healthy, my ability to access muscles and movements needed to continue to improve my skiing is quicker and stronger. Thank you!

- MG

I suffered a minor calf strain last season, and was concerned about patrolling this season. However, after starting your program my legs felt stronger and much more prepared for the season. Each day I could feel my foundation getting stronger. As a patroller we must be prepared to be called into action at a moments notice, there isn't time to stretch or "loosen up." This program brought an increase in strength and confidence this season. Thank you.

- BN

I think it should be a prerequisite or incentive to employment to all employees when skiing or riding is part of their job.

- JJ

Love this program and hope all my employees participate next season!

- CP

Data Proven Results

2021/22: 62% fewer knee injury Claims

With 48 ski organizations and over 1000 participants enrolled in the program, ACL Strong participants had 62% fewer knee injury claims, and 70% fewer ACL injuries, compared to the national average for ski area employees.

That's a savings of $270,000 in knee injuries, not to mention hip, ankle, and lower back injuries that were likely reduced as well.

2022/23: 90% Reduction in Cost Per Claim for Lower Extremity Injuries

7 ski organizations participated in a pilot study with ACL Strong participants (133) and a control group of non-participants (940). 

Average cost per claim for lower extremity injuries for non-participants was $12,097, while only $874, for the ACL Strong group, indicating a massive reduction in the severity of injuries for ACL Strong participants.

If you could save someone from a torn ACL, or a catastrophic lower extremity injury, wouldn't that be worth it?

Feeling better, moving better, and so happy this was offered to me by my employer! I hope they offer it again next season!

I'm trusting my balance more.

These exercises really do strengthen (without torture). I'm trusting my balance more. The videos, narration, and text provided the perfect guidance. It’s something I've never done in the past (silly me) but will do going forward. I am feeling confident about the precise way to do these exercises and stretches.

- RM
Ski Instructor

I started this ski season the strongest

I took last season off and was apprehensive if I would suffer much. I started this ski season the strongest I remember in a long time - and I 100% attribute that to ACL Strong! I even got a compliment from another patroller half my age - responding to a wreck with a toboggan at the end of the day, we skied top to almost-bottom without stopping. His legs were aching and mine were still STRONG. Thank you Dr L and ACL Strong!

- Yasuko F

See what’s included in the ACL Strong Safety Wellness Program


All participants will get instant access to these courses:

4 Week Neuromuscular Training Program

A 4 module step-by-step program designed to help your active employees get fit for the season, protect their knees, and prevent injuries so they can keep doing what they love.

This expert-designed preventative exercise program is a condensed and accelerated version of our Signature Program. It can be done in 20 minutes, 3 times per week, conveniently at home - anytime, anywhere.

  • Learn the exact exercises to do at home in just 20 minutes, without needing a personal trainer or going to the gym
  • Start moving more efficiently and feeling better right away!
  • Strengthen the legs, knees, and core to avoid injury and have a safer, healthier season!

Special Bonuses!​

Bonus #1: Ready-To-Shred On-Snow Warm-up

10 minute warm-up routine to do on the snow, with boots and gear on, everyday, before hitting the slopes. 

  • Increase circulation and warm-up muscles
  • Lubricate stiff joints and increase Range of Motion
  • Activate stabilizing muscles
  • Perform at a higher level with a lower chance of injury

Bonus #2: Mobility First Add-On

10 minute routine for stiff and more experienced joints to improve range of motion and flexibility before advancing to more challenging exercises

  • Discover a simple routine to help you get moving if you’re stiff, sore, or painful
  • Find out how to bounce back quickly after a minor setback
  • Improve flexibility and circulation to start feeling better right away

Bonus #3: Office Hours with Dr. Leslie

Participants will have access to join Dr. Leslie in virtual office hours throughout the season.

  • Ask questions about the exercises
  • Check form and get feedback
  • Connect with other members
  • Learn new tips

Maybe you've tried these types of programs before and didn't have success...

I guarantee this will be a new experience…

ACL Strong applies research-proven techniques and exercises, combined with years of expert clinical experience, and is infused with social strategies and follow-up touch-points to keep employees motivated so they can succeed.

With minimal time, space, and equipment required…

With modifications available for all ages, fitness levels, and experience…

Anyone can do it!

Whether they've been injured before, have arthritis, or are just looking to get super fit, we teach them how to get the MOST BENEFIT out of the least amount of work!

Your employees should have access to an expert-guided training program that they can do on their own before the season starts. The ACL Strong Ski Area Program offers incredible value in a convenient, easy-to-follow, online format.

Start the season stronger than ever, and finish with fewer injuries than ever!

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If you're like most of our partners were before they joined, you might have some doubts or questions. So let me address some of the questions I get most often:

“Some of our departments have higher injury rates than others. How do we control who signs up?”

You can give out the registration link to certain departments, or to your entire organization. It’s up to you! We start with a certain quantity of “seats” in the program, but we can always add more if they get filled up.

“We don’t even know who we are hiring until December? Is that too late?"

No problem! Registration is open as long as you have seats available. Your employees can enroll and get started with ACL Strong as soon as they get hired. They will have unlimited access to the program through the whole season. Group access expires in July so we can reset for the next season.

How do we know if they complete the training or not?

You may assign a group leader to monitor sign-ups and progress of the participants in your group. Group Leaders can request reports at any time.

Here’s how to Enroll your Organization:


Contact Us to Get a Quote


Get a Registration Link for your Group


Group members can sign up on their own and get immediate access!

Feeling better, moving better, and so happy this was offered to me by my employer! I hope they offer it again next season!

Love your program!

I am on a ski instructor team and the training has made a big difference in my strength and conditioning this year so thank you very much for the fine program!!

- Eric H, Ski Instructor, Vail Resorts

Great Course! Very Beneficial!

"I tore my ACL years ago and have two hip replacements. Before I started the course, I had to push myself up off the floor. Now, I can stand up without having to pull myself. I don’t have pain and people tell me I’m walking better than ever! Thanks for a great course!"

- Jim Bredy

Exceptional Value!

"I feel there has been a noticeable improvement in my strength and balance. The format was easy to use and only took a little dedication from me. Great customer support and service to say the least! Thanks again for providing the exceptional value of the ACL Strong program."

- Chip Bair

I loved it!

I pride myself at being a higher level skier, as I teach steep skiing clinics and am a head coach for a junior competitive club. I also train other instructors in steep skiing.
I do dryland exercises regularly and was willing to give your program a try. I loved it! It was simple and quick enough to add in to the day rather than replace an activity or workout. It also added a bunch of exercises I never have tried before. I was feeling stronger and more stable in my movements in all activities. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to do your course and thanks for doing what you do.

- GP, Instructor, Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

Reduce Injuries, Save Money, and Build a Thriving Team

Risk Management for Proactive Leaders

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